Sunday, April 15, 2007


Cake Poker has got to be the greatest poker site in the world. Check out the caliber of play I'm up against here:

Playing as 'sally97,' I flop a set two hands in a row and get paid off both times:

(A few minutes later I change my name to 'BoNgKiLlA420.' Sometimes in poker it's beneficial to vary your play. It also helps if people think you're high.)

Some dude goes crazy with A5, another donates his stack with K8:

Seriously, you owe it to yourself to get in on this.


Andrew said...

You play on a site called Cake Poker? How'd you get money in there?

jsola said...

They've got epassport support now, which lets you set up an online-only credit card, deposit into it, then transfer it over to Cake.

I'm up to $480 on there from my initial buyin of $200, so if you want $200 or so I can hook you up.

There's also a %30 rakeback program I can get you in on if you want.